Hide My Deepest Feelings

I learned to hide from pain. I hid my deepest feelings so well I forgot where I had placed them. - Amy Tan

Feelings are an inevitable part of life and the human experience. Some feelings are easy to be with, such as joy, happiness, contentment, and curiosity. Other feelings are harder to be with, like pain, heartache, anger, disappointment, and abandonment. Throughout our lives, if those difficult emotions get to be too overwhelming, it can be human nature to hide them some place far away. It’s only natural that we would want to distance ourselves to be protected from things that cause us pain. After some time, it can cause us to lose connection with those parts of ourselves. The parts that may be difficult, but are nonetheless parts of us still. Has that ever happened to you? Have you ever lived with a pain so deep that you hid them away, and now you can’t go back to it? Like that part of your life is locked away somewhere you can’t find?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.