Covering the Creases

What we knew only in Korean or only in English, my mother tried to put together. I read the letter out loud to hear the sounds. Otherwise, I could not recognize the words and their shapes, filling the page, covering the creases.  by EJ Koh

When your family has a history of immigration from a home that speaks a different language, language barriers can naturally develop over generations. Maybe you have experienced this personally or witnessed it in other families - generations in the same family unable to connect and communicate with one another. Often, language disconnections can be a symptom of deeper acculturation differences in a family. If this is something you experience, how do you find that language affects the connection and relationship you’re able to build with other members of your family? Without language, what other ways have you learned to be understood and understand others? What thoughts and feelings get activated for you when you feel disconnected because of language? How about when you feel connected despite not sharing the same language?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.