Love is Unspoken and Understood


Love is something that is shared by being expressed and received. Which means it is something that needs to be communicated by one, and understood by the other. Sometimes, two or more people who experience immense and deep love for one another may receive and give that love in different ways. This can happen in all kinds of relationships, like between family members or romantic partners. When this happens, it can be especially painful, because not only are you not feeling love from the other person, the love you have for them isn’t connecting them with them either. Is this something you’ve ever experienced? To you, what does giving/receiving love look like? Where did you learn this? From your family, TV, movies, and friends? What about your parents? If you have different ideas of what love looks like, how have you been able to find a way to express and experience love?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.