His Dreams Come True

I feel loved by my father in his own way, and I don't want to let him down. I'm trying so hard now to make his dream come true, to prove that his journey to America was not for nothing, to show that we're better off because of his sacrifice. -Lac Su

Sacrifice is an inherent element in many immigration stories and histories. Many immigrants leave behind familiar cultures, foods, language, and people, to move somewhere for different opportunities. Sometimes, those opportunities are not for themselves, but rather for their children and future generations. If you are someone whose older generations have made those sacrifices in their lives, it can be challenging to hold that truth. Their sacrifice can feel like an immense amount of pressure, it can sometimes feel unwelcome, and it can also be galvanizing. Working hard to show that their sacrifice wasn’t for nothing can be a way of acknowledging that sacrifice and expressing that love in return. Whatever its effects are, it’s fair to say that the sacrifices of immigration will have an impact one way or another on the generations that follow. If you have an immigration story in your family, how has that affected you? If those sacrifices are in your family history, how do you want to make it a part of your story?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.