Grief and Fashioning a New Life

There is still grief for the person she once thought she was. She feels vulnerable, a newborn trying to fashion a new life in the wake of all that has happened. She is moving toward the future she feels. - Janice YK Lee

Life is all about transitions. As the common saying goes, ‘change is the only constant in life’. That means, we may encounter variations of ourselves throughout our lives. Different versions of us can be an alarming idea to some, but it’s natural. The person you were at age 5 is not the person you were at age 15, and neither of those people are the person you were/are/will be at age 25, 35, 45, and so on. As we move through life, we are always undergoing internal, external, and interpersonal changes. As with all change, sometimes that means a period of grief might accompany some of those transitions as we leave behind the person we thought we were and venture into the person we are today. It can be a vulnerable process, leaving us feeling exposed and raw. The good news is that there is no cardinal right or wrong way to go through these transitions. There is your own individual unique journey, and that’s it, it doesn’t have to be anything else. Have you gone through such a transition at some point in your life? Did grief accompany that journey for you also? What was it like, trying to fashion a new life in your new world?

If you would like to explore these ideas further in therapy, please contact us to schedule a free consultation.